Monthly Archives: January 2012

Abundnz participates in COAST

Abundnz is candidate participant of COAST.

COAST is a Dutch initiative innovating analytical science and technology, connecting education and unlocking state-of-the-art research facilities to serve application areas and to promote new economic activities.

Abundnz joins FlandersBio

logo flanders bio

Abundnz is associate partner of FlandersBio.

FlandersBio is the umbrella organisation for the life sciences and biotechnology sector in Flanders. Their mission is to support and further develop the life sciences & biotechnology sector.

New partners of Abundnz

Abundnz works together with MSMetrix and Van Sonsbeek Software.

MSMetrix develops informatics solutions for LC-MS data analysis in the area of proteomics, biomarker discovery, metabolite profiling, impurity and degradation profiling and metabolomics. Their mission is to be the premier provider of fast, affordable, user-friendly and reliable software in the above application fields.

Van Sonsbeek Software designs databases that provide an effective and efficient work environment. Applications concern support systems for analytical laboratories, pharmaceutical industry, food companies and chemical industry.

Other collaborations with Abundnz

Abundnz has collaborations with ImMunoSysLtd, IBIS Technologies, MsMetrix, Van Sonsbeek Software, InnoTherapy and Ducares.